
What It Takes to Make a Parking Lot in Sacramento Complaint with the ADA

Having a parking lot repainted or repaved can be a great way to make a place of business more welcoming and attractive to customers. Such investments can pay off for years, with virtually everyone appreciating the results. On the other hand, there are also some associated issues that sometimes catch business owners off guard. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, or ADA, for example, specifies that parking lot owners have to establish and maintain spaces that are accessible to those the law was designed to benefit. While it will not always be necessary to see to these duties immediately, the ADA is unambiguous in requiring that any repainting of a lot will require appropriate action. When it comes to ADA Compliance Parking Lots frequently end up being subjects of concern to businesses in the Sacramento area, but the issues are actually generally straightforward and easy to understand. A Fairly Simple Set of Regulations Governing Accessible Parking Spaces One of the most imp